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Lawn mowing.


                                         Achieving a lush and healthy lawn requires regular and proper maintenance.

                                         With "Better Lawns 4U," you can enjoy a personalized, affordable, and bi-weekly lawn-cutting service                                                   throughout the growing season that will help promote healthy grass growth, help prevent weeds,                                                        stimulate root growth and produce an aesthetically pleasing lawn. All our mowers are professional-grade                                           machines. Equipped with specialist ultra-sharp blades to give the finest possible cut and finish.                                                           regardless of the size of your lawn or the height of your grass. We also strim and edge your lawn leaving a                                        professional finish you'll be proud of.

Frequently asked questions. 


Q. Will regular cutting of my lawn make it look thicker and healthier?

A. Yes. Done correctly regular cutting of a lawn will encourage the grass to grow thicker producing a more luscious, dense lawn. 

Q.  Can you cut my long or overgrown grass?

A.  Yes. We have the know-how and professional equipment to cut any length of grass.

Q. Can you put stripes on my lawn?

A.  Yes. We have various-sized rear roller mowers that will put a nice stripe on any sized lawn. Conditions apply. 

Q. Can you cut wet grass? 

A.  Yes. Our mowers have specialist blades that efficiently cut and collect wet grass. We will not attempt to cut a water-logged lawn. 

Q. I have a large lawn. Do you have the equipment to deal with it? 

A. Yes. Our commercial-grade mowers will cut the largest residential or commercial premises lawns.

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